Contact regarding graduate studies

Before completing this form about graduate work in the social psychology graduate program at UConn with Prof. Johnson, you may wish to learn more. Prospective students should show promise of being a good substantive match and have potential or actual skills in important methods.

Currently, Prof. Johnson is particularly interested in graduate students who are focused on such substantive subjects as:

  • Interventions to alter ignorance, expertise, and/or bias (e.g., mindfulness)
  • Bias in attitudes and social judgments, either implicit or explicit
  • Ignorance disguised as over-confident expertise
  • The role of habits in social behavior, social judgments, culture, and health (e.g., recent interview here)
  • How factors listed above might be impeded or accelerated by networks that act as ecological forces (e.g., income inequality, poverty, community-level prejudice/stereotypes, green space)

The primary methods we are using in studies on these subjects include:

  • Meta-analyses as part of systematic reviews (methods pieces: one, two, three, four, five, six)
  • Meta-reviews (methods pieces: one, two, three)
  • In-person and online surveys and experiments
  • Archival databases
  • Big-data gathering and analytic strategies
  • Joining spatial databases to add community-level predictors to individual-level data (methods pieces: one, two, three, four)

The most relevant recent SHARP articles regarding these subjects include these (though watch Google Scholar for more recent possibilities), and these help flesh out the substantive side of the equation:

  • Johnson, B. T., Landrum, A. R., & McCloskey, K. (2019). Attitudes in the 21st century: Accomplishments, challenges, and gaps. In Albarracín & Johnson (Eds.), The handbook of attitudes: Volume 1: Basic principles (2nd Ed., pp. 627-652). Routledge.
  • McCloskey, K., & Johnson, B. T. (2019). Habits, quick and easy: Perceived complexity moderates the associations of contextual stability and rewards with behavioral automaticity. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1556. (link)
  • Johnson, B. T., & Curley, C. M. (2021). Divining structural factors related to intervention success or failure: Cultural sexism versus other macro-level factors. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 28(3), 313–316. (one; two)
  • Johnson, B. T., & Acabchuk, R. L. (2018). What are the keys to a longer, happier life? Answers from five decades of health psychology research. Social Science & Medicine196, 218-226. (link)
  • Reid, A. E., Dovidio, J. F., Ballester, E., & Johnson, B. T. (2014). HIV prevention interventions to reduce sexual risk for African Americans: The influence of community-level stigma and psychological processes. Social Science & Medicine, 103, 118-125. (link)
  • Johnson, B. T., Redding, C. A., DiClemente, R. J., Mustanski, B. S., Dodge, B., Sheeran, P., … & Fishbein, M. (2010). A network-individual-resource model for HIV prevention. AIDS and Behavior14(2), 204-221. (link)

(Last updated: Monday, September 2022)

Graduate Study with Prof. Johnson

This form asks for information about you, your interests, and your abilities; when you click submit, it will send an email to Prof. Blair T. Johnson.

  • Tell us what is on your mind! How do you see your future shaping up after completing your graduate career? Attach a resume or C.V. (see link below).
  • Max. file size: 250 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.