- In the United States (at the state level), cultural sexism is highly correlated with cultural looseness-tightness (Johnson & Curley, 2021; Johnson, Martinez-Berman, & Curley, 2022).
- Probability of high habit strength as a function of perceived rewards, moderated by complexity.
- Steps involved in systematic reviews (with meta-analysis).
- Therapeutic Effects of Meditation, Yoga, and Mindfulness‐Based Interventions for Chronic Symptoms of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
The Systematic Health Action Research Program (SHARP Lab) is led by UConn Professor Blair T. Johnson. His current research interests encompass these areas, although undergraduate and graduate students' research portfolios are tailored to match both the needs of the students and the lab:
- The play of ignorance and expertise in social behavior and wellness.
- Hidden biases in attitudes, social judgments, and social behavior.
- How the factors above affect reactions to communications that have the intent of persuasion.
- How interventions might affect wellness, ranging from exercise to mindfulness to antidepressants.
- How individual- and community-level factors affect individual functioning, defined in terms of both mental health and physical health. These factors can range from prejudice and stereotypes to income inequality.
These factors are not necessarily listed in order of priority; moreover, priorities may change based on numerous factors. To study these phenomena, we creatively address problems with a wide variety of inter-disciplinary approaches, especially health, clinical, and developmental psychology; economics; geography; communication sciences; public health; social epidemiology; sociology; graphical displays; data science; statistics; experiments; and others. The SHARP lab also hosts the editorial office of Psychological Bulletin (2020-2026).

SHARP is the Systematic Health Action Research Program. If you are interested in assisting in the SHARP Lab and you are a UConn student or someone who happens to live in our community, then please complete one of these forms. It is possible that we would accept new students in honors (freshmen or sophomores) to help with ongoing research in Fall 2025. We are especially interested in students who could manage three or more credits of work in our lab.
If you are a potential new graduate student, then please complete this form.
Research in the SHARP lab has been funded since 1995 by a series of grants from the National Institutes of Health. It also has received funding from UConn’s Research Foundation, the Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (InCHIP), Elsevier, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), and from CLAS’s Bennett Fund for Innovative Education in Health and Society.